哈利波特十問10 Questions for Daniel RadcliffeThursday, Jul. 16, 2009Actor Daniel Radcliffe poses at a portrait session at the 賣房子Broadhurst Theater in New York City .Ethan Hill / Contour / Getty記者問當鋼哈利波特腳色演員丹尼而Ethan Hill / Contour / Getty記居酒屋者問當鋼哈利波特腳色演員丹尼而 1. 你覺得你與哈利波特有何不同?我覺得我們兩大不同不過我想我門是不會把喜悅掛在臉上….2. 哈利有沒做襯衫過錯誤的判斷?前几集哈利對朋友的處理方式是有問題的, 他有點自私, 他的朋友總是在她身邊, 但他卻不見的很感恩, 人格上是有瑕疵…..3. 你太平洋房屋有機會與大咖演員合作, 哪以位你認為影響最大? Gary Oldman 與 and Imelda Staunton 影響最大…..5. 如果你可以用咒語, 你會喜歡哪依各裝潢?也不是啥咒語啦, 我較喜歡”幸運”藥水….6. 你是哈利的粉絲嗎?我是書迷, 但..我較喜歡看其他腳色…..9. 你會上大學嗎?不, 但我沒中斷我酒店兼職的教育, 每週有家教與具英語教師資格的朋友來教我閱讀戲劇詩…花蓮民宿...http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1910651_1910649_1910644,00.htmlHow different are you from Harry? 房屋買賣— Atra Oshana, Des Plaines , Ill.I think I am probably quite different from Harry. [But] I think we're both quite reserved G2000in terms of how much we show our feelings. Neither of us particularly wears our heart on our sleeve. The value of friendship in 褐藻醣膠both our lives is immense. And I also think we have a shared curiosity.表單的頂端

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